44 research outputs found


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    This paper starts from the assumption that the Roma, as members of a specific minority group in Istria, will be discriminated in many ways by other citizens, less satisfied with the protection offered to them by the society and so express different opinions about the level of information of the public by the police. The general aim of this paper would, thus, be to gain an insight in the opinions of the Roma and other Istrian residents about some aspects of the level of information of the public by the police. The sample is made of 200 members of the minority group of the Roma residents of the Istrian County and 200 other residents of the same country. The results show that there are differences in the opinions of the Roma and other Istrian residents about some aspects of the level of information of the public by the police. However, these differences were not shown as significant. The importance of the education of the Roma is pointed out in the paper. It should become a possible intercultural medium of their integration, lower assimilation, reinforcement of cultural autonomy and accessibility to various services and information.U radu se polazi od pretpostavke da će Romi kao članovi specifične manjinske skupina na području Istre biti u mnogočemu diskriminirani od ostalog stanovništva, manje zadovoljni zaštitom koju im društvo pruža, pa samim tim i izražavati različita mišljenja o informiranju javnosti od strane policije. Stoga je generalni cilj ovog rada steći uvid u mišljenja Roma i ostalog stanovništva Istre o pojedinim aspektima informiranosti javnosti od strane policije. Uzorak čine 200 pripadnika manjinske skupine Roma s prebivalištem na području Istarske županije i 200 stanovnika Istarske županije. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje razlike u mišljenjima Roma i od strane ostalog istarskog stanovništva o pojedinim aspektima informiranosti javnosti od strane policije, međutim, te se razlike nisu pokazale velikim. U radu se ističe važnost obrazovanja Roma koje bi trebalo postali mogući interkulturalni medij u funkciji njihove integracije, smanjenja asimilacije, jačanja kulturne autonomije odnosno pristupa različitim uslugama i informacijama

    Teorija i praksa integriranog odgoja i obrazovanja iz perspektive sveučilišnih nastavnika: koliko uistinu znamo

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    The integration of children with disabilities into the regular school system is a process that requires changes at multiple levels. It requires, among other things, a change in attitudes and behaviour at the broader level of the community. In order for this to be possible, it is also necessary to implement training of teachers in the area of the characteristics of development and the particularities of upbringing and education of such children. The aims of this study were to determine the degree of familiarity with theoretical and practical concepts related to integrated education of children with disabilities and the differences in understanding certain concepts with respect to the years of work experience of university teachers. The study used a modified questionnaire of the ESERakad Tempus Project - Education for Equal Opportunities at Croatian Universities-EduQuality. The survey was conducted on the sample of the teachers of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (N = 104). In the stage of dana processing, in addition to the calculation of marginal frequencies, discriminant analysis was used. The results have shown that the teachers have deemed only 25% of the statements to be true and that the teachers, with respect to their work experience, mostly differ in the fact that those with less than 20 years of work experience tend to recognize more statements as true, unlike their colleagues with longer work experience. The results point to the need for expansive education of university teachers in the area of theoretical and practical concepts related to integrated education.Integracija djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redovni školski sustav je proces koji zahtjeva promjene na više razina. Između ostalog zahtjeva i promjenu stavova i ponašanja šire zajednice, a da bi to bilo moguće i edukaciju o osobitostima razvoja i specifičnostima odgoja i obrazovanja djece. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi poznavanje teorijskih i praktičnih pojmova vezanih za integrirani odgoj i obrazovanje djece s teškoćama u razvoju te razlike u poznavanju pojedinih pojmova s obzirom na godine radnog staža od strane sveučilišnih nastavnika. U istraživanju je korišten modificirani upitnik ESERakad Tempus Projekta - Education for Equal Opportunities at Croatian Universities-EduQuality. Istraživanje je provedeno među nastavnicima Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli (N=104). U obradi podataka, uz izračunavanje marginalnih frekvencija, korištena je diskriminacijska analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da svega 25% tvrdnji nastavnici prepoznaju kao točne te da se nastavnici s obzirom na duljinu radnog staža međusobno najviše razlikuju na način da nastavnici s manje od dvadeset godina staža u većoj mjeri prepoznaju određene pojmove kao točne za razliku od kolega s većim stažem. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu veće edukacije sveučilišnih nastavnika u poznavanju teorijskih i praktičnih pojmova vezanih za integrirani odgoj i obrazovanje

    The influence of family income on students’ family resilience in Croatia

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    The study basically examines if there are differences in the factors of students’ family resilience regarding the level of their families’ income. Two additional hypotheses have also been tested, concerning influence of income level on students’ expression of problems and difficulties to family members and on religiosity. The study has been done on a sample of students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia. The results have shown that students from families with no income or below-average income, are likely forbidden to show certain emotions in their family. On the other hand, students from average or above-average income families consider the fact that everyone can ‘vent’ without upsetting the others and is able to discuss problems until the solution is found as a significant factor of family resilience. The hypothesis concerning relationship between religion and income has not been confirmed. The average family income was taken from publicly available databases. The category of family income and decisions about its spending is very important for the quality of life, but also for communication within the family. The results offer guidelines for interventions which encourage family involvement, especially in financial contributions to their children’s wellbeing

    Rizici i intervencije za djecu i mladež s poremećajima u ponašanju grada Pule

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    The development and application of research scales on high-risk behaviours in youths

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    Primjena relativno velikog broja istraživačkih ljestvica procjene rizičnih ponašanja mladih prethodi odluci o odgovarajućim socijalno-zaštitnim i odgojnim intervencijama za mlade rizičnog ponašanja. Analizirana su razdoblja u razvoju mjernih instrumenata od pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća do danas. Pri tome je analizirano koje su to informacije koje su se prikupljale i integrirale, a na kojima su se temeljile i danas temelje procjene budućeg rizičnog ponašanja mladih. Danas među stručnjacima prevladava stav da u tom suptilnom psihodijagnostičkom procesu najkorisnije informacije može pružiti aktuarski mjerni postupak procjene koji uključuje i statičke i dinamičke čimbenike jer su meta-analize pokazale valjanost i korisnost obje vrste prediktora za rizično i/ili delinkventno ponašanje mladih.The application of a relatively high number of research scales on the evaluation of high-risk behaviours in youths precedes the formation of a decision on the appropriate social-protective and educational interventions for young people showing forms of risky behaviour. Periods in the formation of measuring instruments from the 1950’s to the present day have been analysed. The information gathered and integrated at the time, which is still the basis for the evaluation of future high-risk behaviour in youth have been analysed. It is common among contemporary experts to believe that the most useful information in this subtle psycho-diagnostic process could be offered by the actuarial measuring procedure including static and dynamic factors, because meta-analyses have shown the correctness and usefulness of both predictors for the anticipation of high-risk and/or delinquent behaviour in youths


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    As recent foreign researches show that the victims of extremistic delict need on average more time to recover from the assault, and that they are less satisfied with the treatment of the police than other victims, the aim of this paper is to find the answer to the question on how differently the women victims from the Roma minority group (N=80) percieve police procedures from local women (N=80), both living in Istria, Republic of Croatia. The obtained indicators can confirm the set hypothesis. It can be concluded that there are differences in perception of police procedures by the Roma and local women, in the sense that the Roma women think that the police often exceed their authority, while local women, more often than the Roma ones, talk about some positive characteristics of police procedures and personal characteristics of police officers. This research represents a step toward the role of female members of the Roma community from objects to subjects of criminal law and social security. The scientific and applicative value of this research’s results are the guidelines which it gives for the creation and implementation of measures for the protection of families, women, children and youths belonging to the Roma minority group of the Istrian County, Republic of Croatia

    Risque de victimisation de la population rom et autre en Istrie dans le cadre des délits pénaux

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    Cilj ovog rada jest utvrditi jesu li Romi (N = 200) kao manjinska skupina u Istri u promatranom razdoblju biti izloženiji (više viktimizirani) pojedinim kaznenim djelima u usporedbi s ostalim stanovništvom Istre (N = 200). Polazi se od pretpostavke da će Romi biti izloženiji pojedinim kaznenim djelima u odnosu na ostalo stanovništvo Istre upravo zbog činjenice da su članovi manjinske skupine specifičnoga životnog stila i kulture na području Istre, koji ih značajnije izlažu predrasudama, otporu, marginalizaciji i izolaciji. U obradi podataka, uz izračunavanje marginalnih frekvencija po svim promatranim varijablama, upotrijebljeni su χ2 test i diskriminacijska analiza. Ovaj rad osvjetljava problem veće izloženosti pojedinim kaznenim djelima Roma kao specifične manjinske skupine u odnosu na ostalo stanovništvo Istre. Stoga je potrebno posvetiti veću pozornost problematici Roma te poticati nadležne na njegovo sustavno rješavanje na međunarodnoj, državnoj i posebice lokalnoj razini, kao i osmisliti mehanizme zaštite posebno vezane uz ljudska prava te suzbijanje diskriminacije i segregacije bilo koje vrste.The aim of this study was to determine whether the Roma (N = 200) as a minority group in Istria were more exposed to criminal acts (more victimised) than the remaining Istrian population (N = 200) in the observed period. It was assumed that the Roma were more exposed to criminal acts than the remaining Istrian population because of the fact that they were members of a minority group with a specific lifestyle and culture in Istria, who are significantly exposed to prejudices, resistance, marginalization and isolation. In data processing, the χ2 test and the discriminatory analysis were used, along with the calculation of marginal frequencies on all observed variables. The contribution of this paper is that it illuminates the larger problem of the Roma as a specific minority group’s exposure to certain criminal acts compared to the rest of the population. It is therefore necessary to devote more attention to Roma issues, and to encourage those in power systematically to solve the same at the international, national and local level in particular, and also to find the mechanisms for protection of human rights and suppression of discrimination and segregation of any kind.L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier si les Roms (N = 200), en tant que minorité nationale en Istrie, ont été, au cours d’une période déterminée, davantage sujets (victimisés) à certains délits pénaux que d’autres groupes de population (N = 200). Cette prémisse découle précisément du fait de leur appartenance à un groupe minoritaire présentant une culture et un style de vie singuliers sur le territoire istrien, ce qui les expose plus fréquemment aux phénomènes de préjugés, de résistance, de marginalisation et d’isolement. S’agissant du traitement des données, parallèlement au calcul des fréquences marginales en fonction de l’ensemble des variables observées, il a été procédé à l’application du test du χ2 et à l’analyse discriminante. L’article met en exergue la problématique du plus grand risque d’exposition à des délits pénaux déterminés auquel les Roms sont sujets en tant que minorité spécifique par rapport aux autres groupes de populations établis en Istrie. Il importe, dès lors, de prêter une attention majeure à la problématique rom et d’inciter les instances compétentes à engager une procédure de résolution systématique de celle-ci aux plans international, national et, plus particulièrement, local. Il convient, en outre, de mettre au point des mécanismes de protection spécifiques aux droits de l’homme et d’éradication de toutes les formes de discrimination et de ségrégation

    Teachers’ Self-Assessments About Pupils With Attention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder Considering The Number Of Years Of Professional Experience

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    Osnovna obilježja deficita pozornosti / hiperaktivnog poremećaja u pravilu su prepreka dobroj prilagodbi, zahtjevima i očekivanjima vezanim uz učenje, ali i ponašanje učenika. Cilj je ovog istraživanja steći uvid u procjene vlastitih znanja učitelja (N=212) o učenicima s deficitom pozornosti / hiperaktivnim poremećajem te utvrditi specifične razlike u samoprocjenama s obzirom na godine radnoga iskustva (sa svrhom uvida u znanja učitelja i prepoznavanja nedostataka). U istraživanju je korišten instrument izrađen za potrebe ovoga istraživanja, a prethodno je provedeno pilot-istraživanje na manjem uzorku ispitanika. Validacija je instrumenta izvršena faktorskom analizom. U obradi podataka, uz izračunavanje osnovnih statističkih vrijednosti, korištene su diskriminacijska analiza i univarijatna analiza varijance. Rezultati pokazuju, uzimajući u obzir latentne i manifestne dimenzije razlika, da učitelji s manje od dvadeset godina radnog iskustva u većoj mjeri točno procjenjuju pojedine pojmove i znanja o učenicima s deficitom pozornosti / hiperaktivnim poremećajem. Navedeno upućuje na potrebu kontinuiranoga cjeloživotnog usavršavanja učitelja u redovnim školama kada je riječ o učenicima s deficitom pozornosti / hiperaktivnim poremećajem.The basic characteristics of attention deficit / hyperactive disorder are usually an obstacle to proper adaptation, requirements and expectations related to learning as well as to pupils’ behaviour. The aim of this research is to get an insight into the teachers’ (N=212) personal evaluations of their knowledge about pupils with attention deficit / hyperactive disorder and determine the specific differences in their self-evaluation considering the number of years of professional experience with the purpose of understanding teachers’ knowledge and recognising drawbacks. An instrument construed for the needs of this research has been used and a pilot-research on a smaller sample of respondents was conducted prior to it. The validation of instruments was done by factor analysis. Besides calculating the basic statistical values, the discriminant analysis and the univariate analysis of variance were used. Results show, taking into consideration the latent and manifest dimensions of variants, that teachers with less than twenty years of professional experience in this context have to a larger extent offered a correct evaluation of certain notions and knowledge about children with attention deficit / hyperactive disorder. When it comes to children with attention deficit / hyperactive disorder, the previously mentioned indicates the need of a continual lifelong training for teachers in regular schools